Location: Centre Court, Ground Floor, Mid Valley Megamall
Date: 12-18 April 2021

Sleeping with your electronic devices around you? Time to Wake up! Introducing the NEW Getha Compass Series with cutting edge Biocare technology that provides electromagnetic radiation shielding!
Here's also your chance to get your very own Biocare Duvet for FREE (worth up to RM2,888) EXCLUSIVELY at the roadshow!
Join us for our GRAND LAUNCHING at MID VALLEY to experience the best sleep!
GETHA is featuring on 8TV.
Read more about our featured interviews:
Kosmo: Getha Lancar Tilam Teknologi Canggih
The Star: Support for Restful Sleep
The show stopping 7-day event at Mid Valley Kuala Lumpur will exhibit the latest Getha Compass Series and new roadshow theme “Time to Wake Up” to call on everyone to be alert and aware of our health, immunity and lifestyle in this pandemic crisis. As we move toward the new normal, life has to go on and it is more important than ever to WAKE UP and question our daily choices.
Are we Sleeping enough? Are we Sleeping correctly? Do you have Deep Sleep? Are we exercising enough?

How Can I Improve My Sleep?
One definite way to fight the virus is to have a better immune system, and sleep plays a huge role in the well being of our immune system. Getha announce the Grand Launch of Malaysia’s only radiation protection mattress - Getha Compass Collection, that consist of three mattress model, that is Getha Compass Gold 100, Getha Compass Green and Getha Compass Star. The unique feature of the Getha Compass Collection is the radiation protection technology that protects your sleep from modern day electronic devices. This protection ensures that our body can focus to recharge during your sleep and build strong immune system.
Find out more on the latest Compass Collection.
How Compass Mattress Helps to Reduce Radiation During Sleep?
The Compass mattress series is equipped with Biocare radiation shielding technology, a revolutionary solution targeted to block low frequency radiation that is emitted from Wifi, Bluetooth and any form of electromagnetic field. The Biocare radiation protection technology can also prevent stress by reducing static electricity, regulate the body's bio-rhythm, promote excellent quality of sleep and prevents diseases and odor caused by bacteria.

Biocare Radiation Protection - Build stronger immunity through better sleep
Getha Biocare Compass Sleep System brings you a revolutionary breakthrough in sleep protection against your daily exposure towrards harmful low frequency radiation. Scientific research has proven that electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation affects our health and sleep negatively. Protect you and your family's sleep and well being with Getha;s innovation.
Visit Our Roadshow to Experience te best sleep with our latest Compass Series Mattress
Shoppers can drop by the event to know more about the mattress and promotions. There are also Getha Sleep Consultants on site to work closely with you to provide a sleep consultation customised to your needs and lifestyle.
Read further: Does your mattress emit radiation?