How Sleep Cycle Works

Sleep is always part of our lives. It plays a major role in our overall health, physically and mentally. Sleep happens in stages or cycles. Find out more

the sleep cycle

Sleep is always significant and part of our lives. It plays a major role in our overall health, physically and mentally. Sleep happens in stages or cycles. So, what actually happens during our sleep cycle?

When we sleep, parts of our brain can be quite active. On the other hand, our body has the chance to rest and restore energy when we sleep. Therefore, how you sleep affects your physical and mental health as the good, quality and deep sleep can help you cope with stress, solve problems, recover from illness, etc. There are 2 types of sleep in your sleep cycle, the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep. Your brain and body act differently during these different stages!

Understanding sleep cycle gives you better sleep, leading you to quality and deep sleep. So, let’s start discussing about sleep cycle in depth! Our sleep is not uniform. Over the night, your total sleep is made up of few stages of the sleep cycle. Not all sleep cycles have the same length. In addition, time spent in each sleep stage changes as the night goes along. Needless to say, sleep cycle can vary from person to person.

There are 4 sleep stages in the cycle, REM sleep consists of 1 stage and non-REM sleep consists of 3 stages. Next, non-REM sleep starts first hence, the stage 1, 2 and 3 are non-REM sleep. Apart of that, the stage 3 of non-REM sleep can also be called as deep sleep as the higher the stage of non-REM sleep, the harder it is for one to wake up from their slumber. After that, stage 4 is REM sleep.


The 4 Stages Of Sleep

Besides that, the breakdown of one’s sleep in different cycles and stages can be referred as sleep architecture. Furthermore, since the year of 2007, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) has updated the sleep stages to only 4 stages as before that, most experts referred to 5 sleep stages.

Non-REM sleep: stage 1, the body is not fully relaxed, it is also easy to wake up. However, the body and brain activities start to slower down. In this stage, the brain activity here also associated with falling asleep. The neurons (nerve cells) are responsible to turn off signals that keep us awake. 

Non-REM sleep: stage 2, you are in light sleep and each stage 2 becomes longer during the night. Moreover, one can spend half of their sleep time in stage 2. In this stage, body temperature will drop, muscles start to relax as well as slowed breathing and heart rate. Furthermore, the eye movement stops and brain activities are slow as it only undergoes fewer activities and helps resist being woken up by external stimuli. Your body is ready for deep sleep!       

Non-REM sleep: stage 3, also known as deep sleep. During this stage, the body relaxes even more and the muscle, pulse and breathing rate decrease. This stage is crucial to restorative sleep, which able to restore one’s health, strength or well-being. It allows the body to repair, recover or grow. It also boosts the immune system. Then, even though brain activity is reduced, deep sleep may contribute to creativity and memory. We spend most of our sleep time in stage 3 but as we continue sleeping, this stage reduces and more time will be spent in stage 4.

REM sleep: stage 4, the brain activity picks up, the heart rate and breathing quickens. Meanwhile, the body experiences atonia (temporary paralysis of muscles except for the eyes and muscles that control breathing). Although the eyes are closed in this stage, they can be moving rapidly which also how it gets its name, REM sleep, the rapid eye movement sleep. Since the brain is more active during this stage, it is important to cognitive functions like memory, learning and creativity. Stage 4 stimulates the areas of brain that aid with learning, even increases protein production. Besides that, it gives most vivid dreams. Even though dreams can occur in any stages but stage 4 has the most intense dreams. They will linger in your mind, letting you feeling similar to the real-life memories. Stage 4 gets longer as the night goes on, while the earlier stage 4 only lasts for a few minutes.       

Failure of the sleep cycle will affect one’s thinking, emotions and physical health. Therefore, how can we possess healthier sleep cycle and deep sleep? There are many solutions available now to give you proper sleep cycle, leading to quality and deep sleep at night!   


Reset Your Sleep Cycle

Improve your sleep hygiene to increase deep sleep. To put it in a simple word, your sleep environment and sleep routines are associated with your sleep quality. You can improve your sleep environment with the best mattress, pillows or bedsheet, etc. Achieving more consistent sleep schedule, dim light, eye mask, essential oil, avoiding alcohol, eliminating noise, etc. are also all parts of the sleep routines.

Anti-static protection (ASP), it can also enhance your sleep quality, providing you deep sleep. It protects your sleep cycle from being interrupted! It is a sleep technology that can prevent the buildup and accumulation of static electricity in your surroundings, also discharging them away from your body. Static electricity can cause stress thus, ASP can remove all of your stress as well as body tension! Getha has ASP mattress that gives 24-hour ASP, promoting your peaceful sleep and a better-quality rest. For more free gifts and information on our innovative mattress, visit our official website or contact our Getha team today!

Lastly, Getha is your best sleep specialist and consultant! You can always talk to us. We promise to solve all of your sleep issues regardless of what they are. Getha has been very professional in this field for several decades and we have much knowledges as well as experiences regarding it.


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