Genie by Getha Flagship Store
is now located at Mid Valley, Second Floor (South Court).

The Birth of

To celebrate Getha’s 52 years of manufacturing world-class bedding products using quality Malaysian latex, we are launching our new baby brand genie by Getha that focuses on quality sleep and delicate comfort for your little one.
Our little genie was conceived with a small “g”, which stands for Getha’s baby counterpart. The 3 lines on the “n” are a meaningful representation of the natural latex harvest process of tapping rubber trees, showcasing Getha’s bed-making process and legacy.

Baby Sleep Specialist
Your child’s early years of growth and development rely heavily on deep, restful sleep — and getting enough of it. If you’re a new parent or a friend shopping for baby shower gifts, drop by at our adorable genie store and explore a dreamy range of bedding items! What you’ll find at our charming baby slumberland are based on 3 categories: bedding products, sleep accessories and toiletries. Baby mattresses, cots, pillows, bedsheets, cases, blanket swaddles, lotions, nappy creams…. You name it!
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Baby Dino

If you have spotted a cuddly green dinosaur at our stores, that is none other than Baby Dino!
The lovable leaf-head newborn dinosaur with its cracked shell represents Getha’s green initiative of using only sustainably and responsibly sourced natural latex for our bedding collection. Meanwhile, the extinct creature is a symbol and reminder for everyone to respect and care for the planet and its natural resources for future generations.

Brand Identity

Getha uses French wools that derive from the Texel sheep of Limoges in France for their superior cushioning properties.
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Getha makes 100% natural latex foams using the Dunlop production process, which is the most energy-saving method of producing latex foams. You can feel the difference between the effort and quality we have put in our bedding collection compared with less durable, harmful synthetic or blended latex foams.

Nowaday, people are live in modern city and life style. Therefore Getha help Reconnect back to Nature Day

Day & Night Concept
Babies who don’t sleep enough would end up whiny and cranky. In fact, newborns usually spend more time asleep than they do awake. The genie concept is specially designed to encourage healthy sleep habits that are necessary to have a good night’s sleep and full alertness the next day
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